As I did one sister, Its only fair that I do the other.
Verse is the twin sister of my other OC Malora, meaning she is also a fire elemental/shadow demon hybrid.
Being raised by her father has led to Verse heavily favouring her shadow demon abilities over her fire ability.
This means that she can teleport through shadows, manipulate shadows like physical objects and has special “shadow pocket” where she can store items and people.
Her unique hybrid ability is her ability to craft permanent items out of shadows.
Her original deviant form was her becoming more in tune with her fire side….but as I said with Malora, i didn’t like the idea anymore and felt in her case it was pretty cheap.
So her revised deviant form is her gaining the ability to craft flame “touched” or enhanced shadow weapons thus using her flame ability in a more indirect way.
Compared to her sister, she can be said to be more easy going, tomboyish and crude…a result of being raised by her warlord father.
The first image is her in her deviant the second is her human form and the last is her true form.

Malora’s deviant form v2

Wasn’t too happy with my prior deviant look which looked like this.

So I trimmed the bulk, dear emphasized her demon side and focused on her elemental side which was what she excelled at.
Basically the idea behind this is for her to evolve her fire abilities from conventional heat to more mystical sacred flames.
These sacred flames can distinguish between friend and foe, can protect or damage spectral forces and are immune to water or ice magic.
However this form is a compressed/ compression of all her magical power so it can only last for a few minutes at best. Most likely 8 mins maximum.
#teamfire #digitalart #digital #digitaldrawings #sketchbook #sketch #monstergirls #cute #drawings

The I in OJI

Last but definitely not the least, is Ixi, the I of OJI. Her story starts off as a poor young girl in the early industrial years of Europe. Sadly she did not get to enjoy her childhood as a vampire slew her and her parents whilst they were travelling. Revived as an immortal, she was facing the grim fate of becoming the vampires refillable bloodbag. Luckily for her while that vampire assaulted her, dimension Walker, her ability activated. This threw her and the vampire into a sunny humid jungle where it was promptly killed by a passing warrior. The young Ixi was adopted by the warrior’s clan and trained in their ways. Many good years were spent there, however it all came to an end when an accident drew enemies who destroyed the clan…forcing Ixi amongst many of its survivors to flee… After this event, Ixi dedicated herself to travelling and exploring the worlds available to her making her living as a mercenary….she can’t ruin something if she never stays in one place long enough.